Friday, April 13, 2007

Please pray

You may have gotten an email from me about this but I wanted to post it in case there are more people than I know who read this. Essentially I'm going to just paste my email in here for you all to read.
I know this sounds like a forward but it's not, I promise. Some of you know that my mom was down here in sunny Dallas for Easter, but we weren't her real stop. We were her layover on her way to San Antonio. We were so happy to have her, but I'm even more glad to have had her go. You see she was going to San Antonio to help out the family of a friend of hers. Jan has been a friend to my mom for years and Jan asked for mom to go to San Antonio with her to help out her sister and niece.
Those of you who know my mom know she'll do anything for anyone. She's wonderful in that way. But more and more as she has spent this past week there in San Antonio my heart has been convicted for Jan, her sister Julia, and of course Janet.
You see, Janet, Jan's niece, was diagnosed with bone cancer in her leg. Janet is 16. She opted to not have her leg amputated (she was a runner and soccer player for her high school) and instead to have a knee replacement. She's been going through chemo for the past year almost. My mom was to go down to just help clean up the house (that has been used less and less as most of their time is spent in the hospital). But instead Janet was in the hospital still (she was supposed to be released earlier this week before starting a new round of chemo), having complications to the last round she had received.
Janet was supposed to travel from San Antonio to Austin this week to interview for a full ride scholarship to University of Texas. She was unable to make her Monday appointment and it was rescheduled eventually to today with the help of her doctors. She has needed to increase her amount of morphine to be able to leave the hospital to travel to Austin today.
The whole point of me posting this, is to plea that you would pray for Janet, Julia, Jan, and their whole family. Especially as she has had to delay her last round of chemo and will be having tests this next week for her kidney troubles caused by this previous round.
The San Antonio newspaper ran a story about Janet yesterday. It will give you more details about her drive to live and succeed in life, warning, it will make you cry.
This is the direct link to the story:
Please read it and please pray. Feel free to make this a forward if you want.
Love, Grace, and Peace to you,

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