I can't believe how busy we've been. I haven't even had time to check my email sufficiently, let alone be on the internet. We've been on the go and it's all been lovely but truth be told, I'm exhausted today. Just worn out and tuckered.
MaxI can't say we spend a lot of time sitting still. We've got lots of things to be busy with everyday. Max demands constant movement. The past few days he's has the first runny nose of the season. Can't say I'm too surprised, it's been rainy and cool with intermittent sunny days. This afternoon I think we'll go outside and play in the leaves. But I can't say I didn't take advantage of a cuddly baby.

We took a quick day trip to Chicago to visit our friends, the Prados, who were in town. I wouldn't pass up a chance to spend time with Steph and allow Max to visit with his birthday twin, Rylee Grace. They were literally two peas in a pod and instantly loved each other.

Yesterday I was trading out Max's summer clothes for autumn clothes and organizing in his room when it got awfully quiet in the direction of kitchen where Max had headed moments before. I decided to investigate and found the little stinker with a mouth full of cake and this:

on our lower counter that Max can reach. It was the lovely slice of apple cake I had been saving for after supper with a chunk missing out of it. :)
This is an example of the ornery face I receive when he knows he's doing something he shouldn't.

Other Pictures:
Yet another laundry basket picture

Playing in the wagon

Look what I found at a garage sale? Anyone want to buy this kid? Apparently all together he costs $7.50

Max enjoyed dressing himself this morning. In our house that means, socks on our ears!

CraftingAnd just because I know some of you read for more that just my kid, I've been crocheting and knitting away. I haven't been doing many other crafty things, but I will be making part of Max's halloween costume and some other things in the next few weeks. I've been much better about making things that mailing them out so I have a pile sitting upstairs that need to go to the post office.
My grandmother gave me all of her leftover yarn that she had. Apparently I come by yarn collecting genetically.... Thanks Grandma!

Most of it have large plans of becoming Christmas presents....

Sadly I make Max model everything toddler sized that I make. He was not happy about modeling Kate's birthday poncho.

I finished something for myself. I bought this hand dyed yarn and made my self a shawl/scarf with it that I love!

This is the completed hat of Rylee's finished just in time to take to Chicago.