I love that he snores- we think it kinda sounds like a dove cooing.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Look how sweet he is.
Little man is sleeping an extraordinary amount right now and I'm trying to use every second to my advantage. I've picked up the house (even wiped down the counters) and put everything away before my Darby lunch date shows up.
We just got home from the doctor's and Max weighs 8lbs 9oz. He was down to 8lbs 1oz last week so he's gaining weight just like he should be- that still leaves him down from his birth weight but the doctor said with larger babies that it is harder for them to gain back the proportionate amount of weight. He's also now 22inches long - All of this puts him at 95% for his height and 50% for his weight.... And here we thought we would have a short pudgy baby. Boy were we wrong. Maybe he'll be tall and lanky.
Here are some pictures....

Here's where I said out loud to myself, "I bet he would fit in my Kitchenaid Mixer bowl". And then we tried it and he did.

Grandpa Kipp came down to visit his grandson for the weekend. They had a great time together.

Max had his first bath since all of his extra parts had fallen off (the ring from his circ and his umbilical cord) and grandpa got to be here to see it.
Super Busy
How can I be this busy and not even be working, cleaning my own house, or even cooking my own meals. So funny how much time one little person can take up.
We are going to the doctor today for our checkup. I'll hopefully have time for a longer update this afternoon.
We are going to the doctor today for our checkup. I'll hopefully have time for a longer update this afternoon.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Another Video
I shamelessly took this video of my son instead of helping him with his hiccups. But we think it's so cute he sounds like a squeaky toy.
He used to have the hiccups 3-5 times a day while in the womb so we aren't surprised he gets them all the time now.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Just in case you were missing him, here's some more pictures of Max.
Here's what we've been up to for the past few days.

He went on his first outings (we had a busy day). The doctor, Target, and Applebee's all in the same day.

We said "goodbye" to Nana.

We pretended we were pirates. Arrrrrrrgh! (We wouldn't allow Max to have an eye patch so he improvised by closing one eye.)

Adam discovered part of his Halloween costume. (We aren't sure yet what he'll be.)

I got lots of cuddles.
Here's what we've been up to for the past few days.

He went on his first outings (we had a busy day). The doctor, Target, and Applebee's all in the same day.

We said "goodbye" to Nana.

We pretended we were pirates. Arrrrrrrgh! (We wouldn't allow Max to have an eye patch so he improvised by closing one eye.)

Adam discovered part of his Halloween costume. (We aren't sure yet what he'll be.)

I got lots of cuddles.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just showing our little Texan has some Ohio pride.
We went to visit our pediactrician yesterday and he said Max was perfect! We thought so all along but it's great to hear someone else say it!
We had a busy day yesterday- we went to the doctor, out to Target with Nana and then out to dinner at Applebee's to wish Nana farewell. She left last night to head home.
Our first night alone was pretty uneventful (luckily!). Max even slept 5 hours straight! We do not take this for granted at all. Today I'm laying low as yesterday's activity did me in- I'm really sore today.
We're going to take Daddy lunch at work and my Darby friend is coming over to have lunch with us and a nice hangout.
We did not get the house we were hoping to. The sellers were not flexible at all and with today's housing market we could not figure it out. But we are sound and secure in our decision to not continue negotiations with them. But that also means we are back to square one. We're ok with that though.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Just going ons

We've been laying low around here mostly (what else are we supposed to do?) Adam's mom left yesterday and mine will probably leave tomorrow. They've been invaluable in us getting enough sleep to be able to semi function through the past few days.
Max is a pretty easy going baby. He jus likes to eat and sleep and doesn't mind anything else. We've been taking walks everyday for a little amount of time and he doesn't mind the sunshine at all. Today we have to take our walk early because it's supposed to be over 90 degrees.

It's hard to believe that just a week ago Adam graduated and we were hanging out with all of our friends celebrating. We are amazed with how different our lives are now.... It seems like all we talk about is poop. :)
We are negotiating an offer for a house in Washintgon. Pray for us. The sellers are not being the most cooperative, and we really love the house.

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Here's a video of our little one while we were still at the hospital....
PS- That's Adam snoring in the background.
All in a few days time
We are having a wonderful time with our new little one. We have had so many visitors in the hospital and at home. So many wonderful things have been sent in the mail and shown up on our doorstep. It all makes me a little weepy. Thanks so much.
We've been having a period of adjustment to each other, but I just love staring at his cute little face all day.
Our friends Lenny and Stephanie had their little one, Rylee, the same day Max was born so we were all in the hospital together, confusing the nurses with all our visitors (they would visit one room and then the other).
Since I was stuck in bed for the first 24-36 hours Rylee Grace got to visit me. I must say, she was definitely the cutest visitor we had.
Rylee weighed 6 and a half pounds and made Max look like a grown baby.
Dr. Monti and her happy customers.
I love baby feet! Max has monkey toes that he loves to wrap around your finger.
Couldn't you stare at him all day too?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Over the moon
Maxwell Roger Kipp finally made his appearance to this world yesterday. We are just over the moon with excitement and joy. And a little bit delirious from lack of sleep.
Here are his stats and way too many pictures.
Max was born at 5:33pm and weighed 8lbs 15oz and is a tall guy at 21.5in.
He is so healthy and has the sweetest disposition. He has only cried a few times and mostly already uses grunts and signals instead of crying to get his point across. He loves to be awake and look around. Especially at his mommy, who dotes on him.
Thanks for all the visits and sweet little gifts you guys. We are accepting visitors here at the hospital until we leave Thursday afternoon and then at home. Feel free to call and stop by.
He's here!
Papa's proud he put on the first diaper correctly
Mama's tired, but so elated
Baby Kate wouldn't miss meeting him for the world
The best nurse ever! Auntie Darci
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
Just a quick update for those of you who I'm not seeing or talking to on a daily basis. I'm still here, still pregnant and still looking forward to Tuesday.
I guess this is really my first Mother's Day, so thanks to all you moms for letting me join the club.
I guess this is really my first Mother's Day, so thanks to all you moms for letting me join the club.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Baby News
Today at the doctor I found out I'm well on my way to real labor. No more of that fake stuff I've been dealing with off and on for two or three weeks. I've started dilating and I've effaced 75-80%. But just in case he decides to stay in, they've scheduled me for an induction on Tuesday, May 13. So at least we have a worst case senario of me being pregnant for 5 more days.
Maybe that will help me sleep better at night.
We are praying that the baby turns. He is facing out towards my stomach still and needs to be turned around facing my spine. He is currently sitting like a little upside down frog with his knees and feet pushing up towards my stomach and lungs.
Today we picked up Adam's parents from the airport and my mom is on the road heading here tonight and tomorrow.
Graduation Chapel is in the morning, I'm getting pedicures with the girls in the afternoon and then attending the graduation Texas BBQ tomorrow night. Should have lots of pictures to show.
Maybe that will help me sleep better at night.
We are praying that the baby turns. He is facing out towards my stomach still and needs to be turned around facing my spine. He is currently sitting like a little upside down frog with his knees and feet pushing up towards my stomach and lungs.
Today we picked up Adam's parents from the airport and my mom is on the road heading here tonight and tomorrow.
Graduation Chapel is in the morning, I'm getting pedicures with the girls in the afternoon and then attending the graduation Texas BBQ tomorrow night. Should have lots of pictures to show.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Nope no baby
But we are excited to announce that we will be moving to Washington, Illinois in June. Adam will be taking the pastorate at Grace Bible Church and we will be serving there. We are so excited to minister to the people of this church and the surrounding community.
Now all we have to get through is Graduation this weekend (for anyone that didn't hear, we are having a party at our apartment for Adam Saturday afternoon, show up if you can) and the baby at any time he deems fit. Who knows when that will be though.
Adam's parents get in tomorrow and are going to the doctor with me. I'm wondering how persuasive they can be on convincing the doctor to get this show on the road so they can see their grandson.
Welcome to Washington sign with Grace Bible in the background.
Our child may be born a Texan but he'll soon be a Washington Panther. (So sweet gifts from some of the members of GBC).
Monday, May 5, 2008
Something to post about....
Thursday, May 1, 2008
My weekend
Adam's gone for the weekend and my friend Darci is on baby watch with me. We are planning some fun, but do you think she'd mind if I spent the weekend finishing 90 of these?
These squares were started over a year ago and I'm down to a pile (of probably 30 squares) of just adding the brown trim before they can be "sewn" into strips and then "sewn" into the afghan it was always meant to be. Hopefully it will be finished so that it's not just a box of squares and unused skeins of yarn anymore.
Luckily Darci is a big movie watcher. :) Can't wait to pull out the oldies, you know. Clueless anyone?
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