Thursday, May 8, 2008

Baby News

Today at the doctor I found out I'm well on my way to real labor. No more of that fake stuff I've been dealing with off and on for two or three weeks. I've started dilating and I've effaced 75-80%. But just in case he decides to stay in, they've scheduled me for an induction on Tuesday, May 13. So at least we have a worst case senario of me being pregnant for 5 more days.

Maybe that will help me sleep better at night.

We are praying that the baby turns. He is facing out towards my stomach still and needs to be turned around facing my spine. He is currently sitting like a little upside down frog with his knees and feet pushing up towards my stomach and lungs.

Today we picked up Adam's parents from the airport and my mom is on the road heading here tonight and tomorrow.

Graduation Chapel is in the morning, I'm getting pedicures with the girls in the afternoon and then attending the graduation Texas BBQ tomorrow night. Should have lots of pictures to show.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow...enjoy your weekend with all your friends and fam. Miss you guys!