We found spearmint, rhubarb (too bad the season's over already), some wild flowers, a bunch of weeds and trees saplings, and the best thing ever, Blackberries! I was over the top excited about them.
You see, last week Laura blogged about picking strawberries and I immediately started to find a pick your own farm we could go to. But strawberry season here is on it's tail end and other berries are not quite ready yet. But my blackberry bush had quite a few that were ripe and many more that will be soon.

We picked all those that were ripe and tasted quite a few, Max had a handful when he woke up from his nap and loved them, and the rest were made into Blackberry Basil Iced Tea using the basil I've been growing. YUM! You can smell the basil each time you go to take a sip. Delish and refreshing for these hot summer days. instead of adding lemonade, I added 1/3 c sugar while the mixture was still warm to help it disolve and added 1/3 c lemon juice to the pitcher too. Not too sweet, just the way I like it.

I also have made a watermelon fiend out of my child. Yesterday he had his first taste and today we got one at the grocery. The watermelon was as big as he was, and we sat it next to Max in the cart. He hugged it and gave it kisses, and high fived it while we did the rest of our shopping. I even caught him once or twice trying to bite it.
When we got home I started to cut it up and had Max like a little bird at my feet with mouth wide open and squaking for bites. So the total count of watermelon is some for dinner last night, some for lunch and dinner today plus all of it he got from the counter today. Gladly will I split a watermelon with him though, gladly.
We've finished the playroom this weekend. Putting away toys and books and all those fun things kids like to play with (especially LEGOS). It's nice to have one more thing finished at the house. My last project up there is to make picture labels for the built in drawers so the kids and see what's in the drawer without having to open them all up.

Here are Chewy and Superman posing for the Action Figures Drawer.