This weekend was (as usual) filled to the brim. Always on Sunday night by 9:30 either Adam and I will mention (last night it was to Adam's dad on the phone) that the weekend has flown by. I never understood as a kid why adults were so tired on Monday. I mean, come on! you've had two days off work and you're complaining you're tired. Ha! You are old. Here I am though with a weekend rampage hang over and it has nothing to do with alcohol.
Crafty UpdateI've finally finished my bag and it supplied me this morning by toting all of my magazines and catalogues to work. Have I ever blogged about my catalogue obsession? That may have to be a blog all your own.

Here it is before its
inaugural journey

The front was just going to be a patch, but Adam suggested I put it on as a pocket. Great idea!

Close up of the embroidery, flaws and all.... If I had to do it again, the strands on the back
do in fact count and will show up if not put in their proper place. Also I still have no explanation for the little bit of puckering in the fabric because honestly I don't know enough about embroidery.

This is the baby boy blanket I finished last week. It is so soft made from Lion Brand Homespun Baby yarn. I really love the blue color, but it's been discontinued (I know because I was a little short on it and went on a craft store frenzy in order to find it and couldn't).... Now if only I knew a little boy to give it to. So many little girls around here :)

Here is some detail of the blanket.
I also made a scarf this week but have failed to get pictures of it... I'll get those as soon as I can.
Tea TimeI love tea so much! Here's a beautiful tea brand that my dear Darby-Friend has got me hooked on.

Some of the tea comes in the beautiful sachets that fill up at the tea unfurls.

This time around I was in Paris while drinking the tea. It's a good spicy tea and just the way I would imagine Paris to taste. If Paris had a taste.
Movie Update....We've gotten to movies that remind me of my grandmother, or appeal to the English teacher that still roams around inside of me. And one of my favorite movies ever. This week has indeed been a good movie week.
West Side Story- Oh Romeo, Where for art thou? Oh wait, wrong movie. And I love that the girl doesn't die in the end because she's so passionate about her true love being killed. A little more realistic in today's view. But Adam claims it's an English teacher's dream.... two and a half hours equates to 4 class periods. Now if only I could get
"I'm so pretty, oh so pretty, oh so pretty and witty and gay..." out of my head. I do love this movie and recall watching it at my grandmother's house when I was a kid.
The Greatest Show on Earth- 1.
Charlton Heston=not the best actor in the world, even as Brad, my favorite character. 2. Betty Hutton is so spunky, she reminded me why I love this movie. 3. Jimmy Stewart as buttons the clown/murderous doctor. This
plot line seemed so much more normal when I was a kid than it does now. Really? A murderous doctor, turned clown?
This movie reminds me of Sundays with my mom. We used to watch this at least twice a year while we were cleaning the house or on rainy days.
On the Waterfront- I had many misconceptions about this movie, but it still did not disappoint. I just thought it would be more about love and romance than the mob. Silly me. And why is Marlon Brando so attractive in this movie? I don't know, but he is. And what's with the pigeons?