Friday, June 12, 2009

We're ready to go

The key to getting me to blog is to have really important stuff that needs to be done right away, so that I'll procrastinate and blog.

Our bags are packed and ready to go into a really messy and dirty car that needs to be cleaned out. Guess I should do that.

About three years ago Adam and I were at Disney World (I think) and we saw a two year old being wrangled by his parents with a harness and leash. I was absolutely appalled. I couldn't believe that a parent would have a child in public who obviously wouldn't listen enough to stay with their parents and not wander off. At least put the kid in a stroller if that was the case.

This morning, I tried out my favorite new kids accessory....

the back pack is actually a harness with a leash attached....

Don't judge me.


Laura said...

Very cute, and Max likes it! Yeah, leashes are one of those things you don't appreciate until you have a toddler that wants to walk and be independent, but takes off in random directions before you can grab them.

Kara said...

Cara, Max could be a model! He is so cute! I love it!

michele said...

I think the backpack is totally cute. I wonder if they sell one in my boyfriend's size? I think it's a good idea because there could be almost nothing worse than losing a child.