We've been struggling with Max since Thanksgiving. It seemed he hit the "terrible twos" early and with a vengance. Waking up at night, throwing fits, not eating. It was all very frustrating. I've read time and was reassured by others that it meant he was getting ready for the "next stage" of development. He was frustrated, we were frustrated, it has not been a stellar month in the Kipp household. Add on top that I'm still not back to my regular self with this pregnancy and it was a messy situation.
But like a Christmas Miracle, my mother came into town and the bratty whiny Max disappeared and has not returned. I don't know if it was the extra attention from Nana, or the (over) abundance of new toys that make annoying noises, or whether the slur of new words I've been hearing from him to communicate have made the difference, but I'm glad that stage is over with for now. We've got our happy, self entertaining, dancing and singing child back and I love it!
And I'm super glad he came back before we were subjected to flying with that other horrible creature this weekend.
In pregnancy news, we were at the doctor today for my regular appointment and the baby's heartbeat was strong and everything seemed fine and normal. I had lost a bit of weigh during the first three months and have not gained any back, even with the holiday eating. I'd only gained a pound and that was with the addition of my winter boots. I'm glad I had Adam there to confirm to the doctor that I'm in fact eating everything I can get my hands on - especially popcorn and string cheese.
We scheduled our next appointments and I have a regular appt the last week of January and an another sono Feb 15 to find out the sex of the baby. Definitely looking forward to that. Overwhelmingly everyone seems to want a girl. Except for Papa that is who still claims he only makes boys.
We have about 6 inches of snow and yesterday while Adam was shoveling us out we decided to make Max a makeshift sled out of a clothes hamper. We have a side alley and a little slope down towards our garage that made a perfect 6 foot ramp to push Max down. He loved it!
Christmas Pictures

One big happy family (see the belly?)

I think this is the best picture ever

Max opening his kitchen from Santa

He opened all of his presents and all of ours too.

Who doesn't love a little naked Sit n Spin?