Friday, December 11, 2009

More Christmas Fun.... ummm not so fun....

So energized by my success in the kitchen with Max a few days ago I decided this morning to make salt dough ornaments with him. Wow that was a disaster.

He was totally into making the dough, loved stirring and adding the ingredients.

After that I lost him.

So I made two pans of dough ornaments and they are slowly baking in the oven.

19 months= too young to make dough ornaments. Just sayin'

And just for fun here he is eating his breakfast and telling me "no"

Edited: I just saw a blog post of someone who had trouble making dough ornaments with a 5 year old.... I guess it makes me feel a little better. :)


Amber said...

I tried that before having kids and it was pretty disastrous :)What does that say about me?

The Kipps said...

Such an awesome Mom