Today is 100 days until my due date. The chances of Mr. Mister being born on that date are pretty slim but still at least it gives me something to grab onto.
Today I have been watching at work for the first time (normally this only happens at home in the evenings) my stomach jump up and down while the baby is getting dangerously close to my ribs. Tina, my boss was even watching for a while. It made me look like I had the hiccups when I didn't.
Today I am thankful that I live in the south where it's only 40 degrees in stead of 0 and I don't have to wear snow boots. Adam had to pack a larger suitcase because he had to fit his winter coat in it.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
More Babies!
We must be at that age where everyone is having little ones :)

Welcome little Joshua, we have waited so long to meet you.
I just got pictures in of baby Joshua Torres. Our dear friends Colby and Christy have had their second little boy and he is beautiful. Their oldest Micah is such a joy in my life. I just love him, so I know Joshua is in for some good company.
Welcome little Joshua, we have waited so long to meet you.
new project
I've been working on a baby afghan for a while and it's almost completed, but last night I had a bout of insomnia/heart burn that kept me from going to bed and (horror!) I'd left the project at work. So what's a girl to do but start another project? :) So I joined a little support group in Ravelry and finally started a blanket for my own child. It's called a Vintage Vertical Stripe and was perfect for watching tv while crocheting. Also it just uses bits of yarn, so I'm getting rid of all the little pieces of yarn left over from other projects. And the fact that it's not supposed to have a color pattern (unless you want it to) is also perfect. I've wanted to make this pattern forever and have invented a million different excuses to do it, but never got around to it.

In other news
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Belly Picture, but no Baby Picture
We have not been very consistent in taking "belly pictures" every month or three weeks or however often people say "you should." But I had Adam take one last night.

Yup so there he is, in all his glory. Huge baby. That's what he is.

Yup so there he is, in all his glory. Huge baby. That's what he is.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Friday's Doctor's Appointment

Well I caught a sinus infection again and this time the doctor put me on antibiotics to kick it out of my system. I was really upset (I have not wanted to take anything during my pregnancy let alone antibiotics) but now that I am back and fully functioning, I'm glad I took them.
At my routine appointment on Friday everything "looks perfect" according to the doctor and I did not gain any weight this month (after the mystery Christmas escapade) which is great considering I still get asked if I'm having twins. :)
We got new little pictures of our little one's face. But I've been carrying them around with me in my purse, so they have not been scanned yet. But really let's be honest, he looks like an alien anyway.
Mr. Mister's new game is to attack anything that invades his space (except his Daddy trying to feel him move). If you lay just about anything on my stomach with any weight to it (my personal favorite is my cell phone), he likes to kick or punch (I can't tell which) at it a few times to see if it will go away.
The little ticker above says 103 days until my due date. Can't wait for that to come.
So as I zoom on into the third and final trimester, I can't believe it has all gone by so quickly and can't believe he'll be here in just three to four short months.
It makes me even more excited when I get to announce things like this:
This morning around 3:30am est Alice Mae was born to Erin Elizabeth Music, my surrogate little sissy.

Please excuse the poor quality cell phone picture sent by Aunt Annie. But I am so thrilled and completely jealous that Adam gets to go visit with her this weekend before I get to see her.
All my love to my sissy being a mommy. Good luck Sweetie.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Home sick
Don't know how you might feel about it, but I am relieved. The doctor is calling in some antibiotics for me to kick the third sinus infection I've had in six months. I've tried so hard to follow the "pregnancy" rules. But I'm thankful for modern medicine at this point since I can't sleep well, can't breathe well, can't eat well, and can't even think well. And all that was without the sinus infection. :)
On a totally different note: I may not be teaching anymore, but education is still something I'm totally hooked into. Students and teaching and (especially higher) education is something that has always fascinated me. Today on one of my blogs I saw this video about students and what there vision and view is. Thanks Swissmiss.
On a totally different note: I may not be teaching anymore, but education is still something I'm totally hooked into. Students and teaching and (especially higher) education is something that has always fascinated me. Today on one of my blogs I saw this video about students and what there vision and view is. Thanks Swissmiss.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
What makes me feel better
There's an epidemic at work. Something is going around. I was the fourth pin to fall today. I'm home with a cough and a headache. Seems that ever since I've been pregnant, I've been sick.
I've made some Masala Chai from Teavana. With a touch of milk and sugar.
I've turned on Gidget. My all time FAVORITE movie. Of course on the old VHS that I used to watch a a kid. Sandra Dee, surfing, summer, California - what's not to love. I can feel the warmth radiating from the television.
A work in progress, but a pattern so well known, I don't have to strain my eyes.
Good, ol' Compy to keep me company if I get bored.
What more could I want? - Maybe my husband home from work.

What more could I want? - Maybe my husband home from work.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Up to here
We've been up to a lot of good lately.
I remember friends doing this in the past, but we are starting to feel the urgency of squirrels in the fall collecting acorns around our house. The thought in a few short months life will be completely different in a completely unknown way spurs us to do some extra things.
We've (well really I have, Adam has known them a while) had the pleasure of making some new friends in our building and have gotten to know them pretty well in the past week or so. They are so sweet and are newly married, and have quickly been added to our list of people we will dearly miss when we leave. Thanks Lizzie and Jeff.
We are having a grand time spending time with our current friends. Especially my group of girls who are pregnant and have recently had little ones. Their encouragements and common stories and secrets have made the past six months A LOT more bearable and laughable. Dinners, emails, and quick chats have really kept me sane. Especially dinners with lots and lots of really good food like last night with Len and Steph. But that's a whole other issue.
Mr. Mister (which reminds me of a Mister Misty from DQ... mmmmm that sounds really good right now, if it wasn't 35 degrees outside,) is growing really strong, or seems to be from the sheer exhaustion I've been feeling getting woken up three times a night to use the restroom, twice a night with severe leg cramps, and at least once a night because my child is having a party with my liver, or my pancreas, or a kidney, or my bladder (which then results in trip number 4 to the bathroom). BUT, such is pregnancy and as Adam said last night, if he wasn't constantly practicing for his Cirque du Soleil career, I would be worried.
A quick job update... There are currently three churches we are being at least mildly persued by. To protect the innocent let's just say, they are all three in very different geographical locations, but seem to be similar in small size and sweet tempers.
I remember friends doing this in the past, but we are starting to feel the urgency of squirrels in the fall collecting acorns around our house. The thought in a few short months life will be completely different in a completely unknown way spurs us to do some extra things.
We've (well really I have, Adam has known them a while) had the pleasure of making some new friends in our building and have gotten to know them pretty well in the past week or so. They are so sweet and are newly married, and have quickly been added to our list of people we will dearly miss when we leave. Thanks Lizzie and Jeff.
We are having a grand time spending time with our current friends. Especially my group of girls who are pregnant and have recently had little ones. Their encouragements and common stories and secrets have made the past six months A LOT more bearable and laughable. Dinners, emails, and quick chats have really kept me sane. Especially dinners with lots and lots of really good food like last night with Len and Steph. But that's a whole other issue.
Mr. Mister (which reminds me of a Mister Misty from DQ... mmmmm that sounds really good right now, if it wasn't 35 degrees outside,) is growing really strong, or seems to be from the sheer exhaustion I've been feeling getting woken up three times a night to use the restroom, twice a night with severe leg cramps, and at least once a night because my child is having a party with my liver, or my pancreas, or a kidney, or my bladder (which then results in trip number 4 to the bathroom). BUT, such is pregnancy and as Adam said last night, if he wasn't constantly practicing for his Cirque du Soleil career, I would be worried.
A quick job update... There are currently three churches we are being at least mildly persued by. To protect the innocent let's just say, they are all three in very different geographical locations, but seem to be similar in small size and sweet tempers.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Ugly Dolls

Thursday, January 17, 2008
We had a fun night...
Adam has finally felt Littlefoot kick. Speaking of which, Littlefoot might not be an appropriate name for much longer for this kid. Whew. As most babies still in the womb, he likes to move around more at night once I've settled down to watch some tv or go to bed. Last night was no exception, except that I was determined that Adam should feel him move or kick. So we poked and prodded his home (my internally bruised belly) until I could figure out where his feet were. Then I had to convince Adam that pushing on my belly that hard didn't really hurt me and sure enough after about 30-45 seconds Littlefoot let us know he didn't like us encroaching on his space. He then gave a few extra kicks just for good measure.
Oh, I also made Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip and Pecan Cookies while watching American Idol. Of course I used my Kitchenaid Mixer.
Oh, I also made Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip and Pecan Cookies while watching American Idol. Of course I used my Kitchenaid Mixer.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Big Update
I know I haven't posted in a while, there are quite a few things going on or that have gone on that deserve attention.
is doing great. He's finished the bones of his thesis on film and redemption for school and I had the sheer pleasure of reading 96 pages the other day to proof read before he turned in his first full rough draft. Eighty movies later, people are surprised that we haven't seen recent movies (or been to a movie theatre) in months and months. Sorry guys we were stuck in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, etc. etc. etc.
Yesterday was the first day of his last semester of school. He's relieved and excited and he only has one class. It's nice for me to finally see the light at the end of his tunnel.
I know I don't talk alot about this on here, but Adam is also actively searching for a position to begin this summer as a pastor. It's funny that I haven't mentioned it because it is pretty much consuming our lives right now with resumes, interviews, packets of information, Google map searches, emails, networking, and prayer. Let's not forget prayer. We are praying for our future ministry, the church God has set aside for us to be in, the people and community of that church, and the process that goes into finding that church. Currently we are taking a look at a few churches and are anxiously awaiting responses on quite a few others.
So to answer the most popular question asked us: No, we don't know where we'll end up this summer, and yes it could still be anywhere in the US.
I'm healthy (at least I think so, we'll find out at the doctor next week if I'm not), and am adjusting to pregnancy. At least trying to, there's constantly something new. I got used to the baby moving and then my back started hurting. I got used to sleeping on my side instead of my back and then the baby started kicking so hard that he wakes me up. Ugh. But it's fun, I'm thankful for the energy I do have and I am starting to be impatient already to meet him. Let's be honest, patience has never been my strong point.
As far as strange pregnancy cravings, I haven't been eating pickles and ice cream or even ice cream at all, I've been craving broccoli, pineapple, and Berry Blast Smoothies from Sonic.
Work is fine, it's work, I'm still working 4- 10hour days for the insurance company, and I am only helping out at Pottery Barn Kids when they really need it (for instance I've worked one or two days this whole month), which is great because being on my feet really makes them swell.
My newest toy that I saved up to buy is my Kitchenaid Artisan mixer. I've wanted one since I learned how to cook. Finally on Sunday I got mine in Empire Red and was so excited that I used it three times that afternoon. Adam was in heaven, we had chicken and homemade egg noodles with the dough made in the mixer, mashed potatoes whipped in the mixer, and chocolate butter cookies stirred up in the mixer. He loves the new mixer.

My emails tell me he's as big as a papaya for the next few weeks until he's as big as an eggplant. It really feels as though he's something with many more appendages however which he likes to flail about as he's completing gymnastic feats inside my body.
He recently told Daddy all the things he would like to have as we walked around Target and Babies R Us, so that Daddy could scan it, but I got to pick out some fun stuff too one day while I was working at Pottery Barn Kids. So you can check out what we've picked out online or in the store if you wish. Here's the furniture he picked out:

He is also quite popular with his friends that he doesn't even know yet. Matt and Rebecca's little boy Kenneth is fascinated that he's living inside my stomach and always wants to lift my shirt to see if he can see him and thinks it's hilarious that he steals all my food. He also has two girls vying for his attention. Miss Kate loves to kick him while I hold her and the unborn Rylee's parents, Len and Steph, are all for marriage except for the fact that he's not a New Yorker like themselves. That was atleast until they were reminded that Rylee and Littlefoot will both be Texans and that's not half bad.
Also, he still doesn't have a name yet. We are still trying to come up with something that is representative of this point of our lives and something will hopefully not lead to pummeling on the playground. We'll see.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Our church has joined an initiative to have the whole church read through the New Testament this year. That leaves about 1 chapter a day to be read. They recruited members and leaders in the church to write a daily devotional to correspond with the chapter.
I invite you to Join the Journey with us and read through the New Testament this year.
But wait, you're thinking, "it's already January 8th and I'm behind. Why didn't she mention this before the first of the year?" That's because I was waiting for this to show up in my inbox so I could show you how cool it was going to be...
That's right! Adam's devotional is today, and mine is tomorrow (as well as you can see some of my editing work in June for some other devotionals). Fellowship asked us to help and we were more than delighted. So you can Join the Journey in a couple of ways. You can just check out the website every day or you can sign up to have them delivered to your inbox daily. You may still want to check the mainpage of the website for Adam's today, I don't know if that one would be delivered if you signed up today.
Enjoy! And let me know if you have decided to Join the Journey with us this year.
I invite you to Join the Journey with us and read through the New Testament this year.
But wait, you're thinking, "it's already January 8th and I'm behind. Why didn't she mention this before the first of the year?" That's because I was waiting for this to show up in my inbox so I could show you how cool it was going to be...

Enjoy! And let me know if you have decided to Join the Journey with us this year.
Friday, January 4, 2008
From the mouths of babes
We've been hanging out this week with the Campbell family who is in town visiting. It is so much fun to be around spiritual (not just social) friends in the older two, but also the four rambunctious little ones God has blessed them with. In a poll of the children of what the baby's name should be, they answered, in order of how hard they made me laugh:
Harrison (6): Jonathon
Brennan (3): Michael (his dad's name)
Tatiana (6): Mister Adam, after his daddy
Aleksandra (4): Cutie
I think they would all be great names... Especially, Mister Adam Kipp.... Of course Adam loved that idea. We could call him Mr. Mister.
Mostly I just love these kids. I haven't seen any of them in a year and seeing them "grown up" this past week has been such a joy....
Oh goodness, I'm such a weepy pregnant lady.
Harrison (6): Jonathon
Brennan (3): Michael (his dad's name)
Tatiana (6): Mister Adam, after his daddy
Aleksandra (4): Cutie
I think they would all be great names... Especially, Mister Adam Kipp.... Of course Adam loved that idea. We could call him Mr. Mister.
Mostly I just love these kids. I haven't seen any of them in a year and seeing them "grown up" this past week has been such a joy....
Oh goodness, I'm such a weepy pregnant lady.
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