Max is getting bigger every day. This morning he asked for "crackers" (graham crackers) by name for snack. I didn't even know he could say cracker. And this afternoon requested "hot dog" (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) adamantly and cheered "yay!!" when I put it on. Yesterday he learned how to use his child's rocking chair to climb over the side arm of the couch and how to move the baby gate off our stairs. Too smart, too darn smart.
He has such a sense of humor and thinks he's hilarious (just like his Papa, I think). Here he is being goofy for me yesterday morning.

This afternoon we finally got a chance to pick beans. Our neighbor is a wonderful gardener and invited us to all the beans and cucumbers we could pick. We finally made it over this afternoon on our walk over to the post office (I love living in town). They look delicious! I'm trying to find a good bean salad recipe. I'll let you know what I find.

In craftiness, I've finished the "thank you scarf," it was just a straight double crochet, nothing fancy but the yarn was fun enough to give it something extra. I've also made an ear warmer as part of a gift, and I've cast on my first knitted hat as a belated birthday present. I'm planning on starting my holiday crafting (and we have a lot of autumn and winter birthdays in our family that I need to work on). Oh and the bazillion babies that are popping up everywhere. Whew my needles and hooks are gonna be busy.