Monday, March 31, 2008
Heartfelt Thank Yous
Hurray for Moms!
My moms were incredible. They did everything I could dream of and more. We now are babyfied and ready. Well all except that looming hospital bag that still needs to be packed. Oh man, now that I've thought of it, I feel like I need to pack it RIGHT NOW!

For now the Pack n Play is being used as storage on top

and below

All my craft stuff was packed up to make way for Baby Central- Changing Station

Baby Central- Clothing Station (by the way we ended up with four drawers of clothes)
We did countless hours of shopping, cleaning, organizing, me bossing them around, cooking, boxing up, discussing lists, funny birth stories, belly pats, hearing "put your feet up," and love and hugs. I loved every minute of it.

They made sure that I am ready for Mr. Mister and that I have just about everything I need for his arrival, besides more sleep in my sleepbank.
Showering Babies (in more ways than one)
My baby shower was on Saturday and it was more than I could have ever asked for. My Darby friend did such a wonderful job to make it so very personal to me and Adam and our future child. The theming was excellent.

One Fish, Two Fish, Goldfish

The Stinky Cheese Man Cheese
We had a book theme and the invitations, food, and decorations all fit so well. Knowing that I'm not a huge fan of party games, the only game we played was name Baby Kipp. Each guest entered a first and middle name into a drawing and then I got to randomly draw names from the container. Our official new nickname for Mr. Mister is Pistachio Bear Kipp. We've been calling him Pissy Kippy for short around here.
Loving themes as I do, I enjoyed my themed presents as well. Tina had a Midwestern themed present, Darby had a literary bath theme going on, and Joanna and Gilbe had the best poop themed present I've ever seen. Thanks girls!

Joanna and Gilbe. What would I do without inappropriate friends?

A handmade sweater by Auntie Laura
Lastly, in the past week we've had pregnancy announcements of every kind! From the exciting to surprising to MIRACULOUS! I am so excited for all of these three babies to be born in October and November. God is so good to those who are patient in His timing.

I love this picture of me and Miss Kate
Friday, March 28, 2008
Today we went to IKEA and looked around. I don't know why I can never get out of there without some sort of damage. And then we went to a wonderful mexican restaurant for lunch.
After that Adam went to puruse Barnes and Noble while the Moms and I went shopping for more maternity clothes. With only a month and a half left, I'm surprised at how many clothes NO LONGER FIT. Really could I get any bigger? Apparently I can, and will. We found some really nice spring clothes for me ot finish this time out in and some stuff for after the baby is here before I can get back in my regular clothes (oh please oh please oh please let that be a reasonable amount of time).
We ran by Sam Moon and DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING. And then headed home.
We pulled out all of the baby things that I've accumulated over the past couple of months from all my generous friends. How could I already have three loads of baby clothes? And this before I've even had the shower. We've got it separated into piles waiting for some Dreft this afternoon.

We also cleared off some space in the craft room- packing up a bunch of my craft stuff to allow the baby some space.
The Moms did everything while I sat there and directed/let them do whatever they wanted. :)
It was lovely.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Blog Time
I'm a huge blog fan (duh! I constantly write here) and currently have 95 subscriptions in my Google Reader and they are all frequented by me. Luckily with Google Reader I don't have to remember all these sites, but as they are updated I get a notice and can read them at my leisure (which is about 25 times a day). I keep blogs about anything from my niece, to crockpot cooking, to stuff white people like, and they all interest me for very different reasons.
Here are a few of my favorites, just in case you would like to check them out.
The blog I frequent the most is my sister in law Laura's blog. I constantly even go directly to it to be sure my Reader isn't just slow and not updating correctly. I heart updates from her about what she's up to and my beautiful niece, Ella.
The CRAFT Magazine Blog shows links to other crafty people on the web who are doing amazing things. I love drawing inspiration from them all.
SouleMama makes me wish I could take better pictures and take more time to look at life.
And for one more, this is one I found today while looking for a pattern to make a Boppy cover. Economical Baby may have just become one of my new favorites.
Of course if you are reading this, it doesn't mean that I don't love your blog. It probably means you don't blog enough..... ahem some of my dear friends out there. I miss you guys.
I never...
Click on the icon below or there is also one in the sidebar.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Weekend with Dad and Grandma
This weekend Adam's Dad and Grandma came down to visit for Easter. We had a wonderful time with them and did a lot of fun things.
On Friday we ate lunch at Texas de Brazil and then spent the afternoon at the Dallas Arboretum for Dallas Blooms. This was perfect because I love looking at all the pretty flowers and Grandma is an avid (and wonderful) gardener. It was super crowded since it was Good Friday, but we enjoyed walking around and enjoying the flowers and the sunshine.

On Saturday we rode the West End Trolley and enjoyed looking at the city from a different view (I did a lot of "Oh! I didn't know that was there!" because I am always driving while we go through town). Again the weather was wonderful and we had dinner at Rockfish Grill at Mockingbird Station.
On Easter we went to Stonebriar Community Church to hear Chuck Swindoll in person. I always love going up to hear him. I also made Easter dinner (with the help of friends who brought delicious food) for our small group so that Grandma and Dad could meet some of our wonderful friends.
We had a great time and hope that they did as well.

Job Searching
We are still in the searching process of a job. Those of you close into the loop know our situation, but for those of you a little further out, we are trying to search for God's will and where he would have us in the near future. We are planning on moving around July 4th to a new location- we just don't know where that is yet. Pastor searching is a lot different than secular job hunting- A LOT more goes into the logistics and many, many people have to be on the same page and have the same vision. Let's just say that when we are through with this, we had better be there for quite a while.
I have been working away at my little crochet in an effort to bust up some of this quite large yarn stash. I've finished another little baby afghan and are working on some small gifts for friends. You should see the result of those soon but here is the Beth's Little Star Afghan I completed on Easter. I was trying to use up the blue yarn that was given to me (you can also see it used in the VVS blanket), and I had barely enough blue to finish.
I also made Bridal Shower invitations for my friend Joanna's Bridal Shower. She's getting married in Wisconsin the week after our baby is due, so the least I could do is throw her a shower.
He's getting really big and has been particularly active in the past few days. I think he's trying (unsuccessfully) to find a comfortable position. He's apparently the size of a Honeydew Melon. Yum! I missed the 50 day mark until my due date and am now down to 46 days left.
When Grandma and Dad came down, they came bearing gifts. Mostly for the little child, but I did receive some delicious Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs and Adam did get a trip to Half Priced Books and a wonderful graduation present made by his Aunt Kim (I haven't been able to photograph it well enough yet). Mom sent some outfits (all scarlet and grey!) and some treasures that were saved from Adam's childhood- Cowboy boots (fitting for our little Texan) and the quilt that Adam's Mamaw had made for him when he was a baby (maybe even before he was born?). These are pictures of some of the embroidery from the quilt.
Grandma came bearing gifts from her and the aunts and they were perfectly wonderful (and so soft and cute and sweet). I especially loved this poorly photographed but beautiful little bonnet made from a vintage hankerchief.
Pretty Flowers
I enjoyed taking pictures of at the Arboretum and showing off my lack of flower knowledge (Is that a Daffodil? Nope it's a Narcissus.)Here are some more pretty pictures we took.
I've been fighting a cold, and I can't really afford to get sick at this critical point in the spring, life, process of searching for jobs, traveling, visitors, etc. I slept 15 hours last night and hope that it was able to combat most of it. Pray for me, I just don't want another sinus infection.
Coming up in the near future
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
32 weeks
My swelling goes down for the most part at night but comes back by the evening, especially when I try to walk- like at the grocery store. That was surely a disaster. Well be mentioning this to the doctor today. And yes, I've been drinking my water and not been eating things with high sodium.
But I did get extreme joy yesterday when somone asked how far along I was and I got to say 8months. Horray! We're almost there.
Monday, March 17, 2008
I'm Swelling, I'm Swelling!
Crazy Weekend
This weekend we traveled and encountered this.

Yup snow. While it was 90 in Dallas, we were freezing our buns off.
Crafty Disaster
I've always wanted to knit. I've never been able to because for some reason I cannot get both my hands to work together with my brain. That's why I crochet, one hand is fine, both hands is beyond me.
A coworker has recently become enthralled with loom knitting. I thought to myself, surely with as crafty as I am I can do this winding the yarn around pegs thing, it will be the perfect answer to all my knitting inadequacies. So out I went to invest in a knitting loom, spent a couple of hours online researching different techniques and then I was on my way. Or so I thought. A couple of hours later and frogging different pieces I ended up with this paltry section and a headache from frustration.

Yup, that's all I got. So I'm back to crochet and I don't think I'll leave it any time soon. Unless I can actually get someone to sit me down and teach me step by step how to do it.
My sister in law, Kara, graduated from The OSU this weekend! I totally wish we could have been there for the event but we couldn't. Trust us, our hearts were there singing Carmen Ohio.
Thursday, March 13, 2008

The progression and growth of our child already. Of course we have much more pictures, but these are the clearest so that you can actually tell what it is (and some of you won't even be able to do that with these). But it just makes me so amazed at God's work in me, that this really happens.
(Not so) Patiently Waiting

A picture of me today. Waiting, that's what I feel like I'm doing a lot of now. Just waiting.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Babies Sandwiched with Friends
Saturday we had our all day childbirth class. It was very informative and I discovered that I probably read too much. I can't remember learning anything new, but for the first time I saw a cesarean. I will always only have one of those as a last resort. No thank you that does not look very nice.
It also made me re-evaluate my feelings on medicated vs. natural childbirth. I'm still out on some of that but it's worth looking into a little bit further. Adam apparently learned quite a bit because he spent the rest of the weekend quoting snippets to me as I was "doing things I'm not supposed to" and had already blocked out the video of the actual birth from his memory.
Also on Saturday I received an email from a long time friend who was stranded in Texas because of the "Big Ohio Blizzard of '08." She was able to get a flight to Dallas from Lubbock and asked to stay the day and night with us until she could get a flight back to Columbus. I love visitors! Of course, I wanted Esther to come. We hadn't seen each other in at least 5 years and had been great friends in high school. We were orchestra geeks together and she was one of the first "real" Christians I ever knew. Of course we slipped apart during college but thanks to the wonders of myspace had passed a few emails and such back and forth over the last two years. It was such a joy to catch up, see how God had worked in our lives, and reminisce.
Adam had mentioned a couple of time not really knowing how to handle a new newborn. He's perfectly fine with toddlers and even infants who can at least hold their heads up, it's just the tiny ones he's afraid of. So, I decided to surprise him with his own Infant Care Class of my own making. It was fun for me to pull out skills I hadn't used really in years and then teach them to Adam. That way he also knows how to do things the way I like them done. :) Adam changing a "bear"-y dirty diaper.
"Look! I dressed the baby!"
Learning to swaddle the baby seemed to be the hardest- but he got the hang of it.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Baby Kipp Update

We had a pretty fun weekend- it was super busy and filled with surprises- but it deserves a blog post of its own when I remember to bring the camera to work (tomorrow).
Friday, March 7, 2008
My favorite things...
A light dusting of snow that melts when the sun hits it.

Celebrating Darby's birthday - 2 1/2 months late, but still enjoying it :)
Good Italian food
Getting to see sonogram images of my unborn and healthy child
And my absolute favorite thing today-
Attempting to purchase a new suit for Adam, we were in Men's Warehouse. We had found a suit that we both liked and Adam was trying on the pants. Because of Adam's broad shoulders, to find a jacket big enough the pants are normally too large. He came out of the dressing room and while the man helping us was looking for something, Adam tried to adjust the jacket. When he let go of the pants, they fell straight to the ground, in the middle of the store, in front of a lot of people, including me, his wife, who started laughing hysterically.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
We are out of town, have family in town, or have something MAJOR going on for the next 6 weekends. That puts my pregnancy at 37 weeks. Oh goodness, when am I supposed to get ready for this baby (you know in the calm, sipping tea, yoga, day dreaming sort of way). But then I remember that's just not my style anyway. Bring on the fun!
Adam's turning in his thesis next week (as soon as his slacker editor gets her behind moving to finish revising all 100 pages of it -- oh wait that's me, I'd better get on that).
I am so thrilled that we will get to spend a day with Ryan, Laura, and Ella in April. I just can't wait to get my hands on that little girl (if she's not too busy being all big and crawling around and things).
Looking forward to Easter and all that it entails (Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs + Jesus = Best Holiday Ever). AND Grandma Kipp will be here with Dad. I really can't wait to see her.
I'm so behind in reading my Bible. Why can't I ever stay on track with that? (I PROMISE Courtney I'll get Genesis finished this week.)
Time passes so quickly, when did all my brothers grow up?
Crocheting is so much more fun than anything else I like to do. I can just shut my brain off for a while and be productive at the same time.
Doctor's Appointment tomorrow. :) We get to see Mr. Mister (He's really not so much Littlefoot anymore by the way- more like Gigantic-foot, Gigantic-arm, and Gigantic-bottom).
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The Newsy
If you don't know what The Newsy is, it is the Kipp family newsletter that Adam and I used to frequently put out before I constantly started blogging. We decided that some of the content would be better formatted in a smaller reading.
As I said above- let me know if you would like a copy and leave your email - I'll zip it right to you.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Snow Bunnies

Pretty Snow!

This picture followed the comment, "Take a picture of me eating it!"
I'm glad I had my camera handy because this morning when I woke up, it all seemed like a dream.

We are reaching 60 degrees today.
Monday, March 3, 2008
This weekend
I was super productive in finishing off some crafty projects (the ones in the post from Saturday and some others).
My little niece Ella started crawling (thanks Laura for posting the video, I'm so glad I got to see it).
I can no longer reach my toenails to paint them, and boy did they need painted. So my caring husband Adam volunteered as long as he could pick out the color. He chose a seafoam green because apparently it does not look like fungus and matches all of my outfits. Really? Seafoam green? Beggars can't be choosers.

I never thought I would post my feet on the internet by the way. Gross!
I probably worked my last shift at Pottery Barn Kids this weekend. Considering I'm on my hiney for 10 hours a day at my other job, 5 hours on my feet is a killer while I'm there. But I made it through and felt better about myself knowing I could still do it. I may work possibly once more in April if I can, so I can keep my discount until then. :)
We had a lovely dinner on Friday night with the Kooglers. As time nears for the boys to graduate it was nice to hang out just the four (six!) of us (they were our first "friends" here in Dallas and we've spent many a Friday and Saturday night at one another's apartments). It felt really good to sit around and just hang out with them and care for one another in a way that only old friends can.
On the flip side we also hung out after small group with newer friends Toby and Joanna who are engaged to be married right around our baby's birthday. It's so fun to also watch the beginning of new relationships (friendships and marriages), they are so excited for the future and it's fun to watch them adjust to each other as they near that time.