It's been a pretty crazy week, there's lots to update on....
MaxHe just keeps amazing us with how big he's getting. It seems like something new everyday.
We went to the doctor yesterday for our official weight check and he weighed 14lbs 7oz on their scale, so that's 3lbs in one month. The doctor was really pleased and it justified to me giving up breastfeeding as he was obviously not getting what he needed and now he is.
Here is a picture taken 09/07/08 of Max

And here is one taken 10/02/08

Can you see the difference?
I also told the doctor about Max's stuffy nose that I assumed was allergies since harvest has started around here (and I had it too). She took a look up his nose and down his throat and agreed with me as she went to go look in his ear. She found an ear infection and told me that it was probably because of all the drainage and a secondary reaction to the nose issue and at least he didn't get a sinus infection. So he's on an antibiotic and I guess we won't be going to baby open swim tomorrow like I had wanted.
While Grammy was here this weekend she started a new trend. Max now loves to "drink" (really just chew on) cups. He thinks they are the most fascinating things and will try and grab them any chance he gets.

He fell asleep in the car holding onto his toy.

He's a little bear!

Yup, I let my kid watch TV. It let's me take a shower. I love it, and only feel
slightly guilty about it.

My "Pumpkin Pie" with a pumpkin pie.
ChurchAt church this past weekend we had the "Installation Service" to permanently install Adam as pastor. It was a wonderful time and the church has been so supportive of us. We know the "lovie" feelings may not last forever but hopefully the love of Christ will always be present. Many kind words were said and charges given to both Adam and the church. It made it interesting for me.... where do I fit in? Am I part of Adam or am I part of the church. I'll have to think about that one some more....
But as part of Pastor Appreciation Month the church has "signed up" for a day to do something nice for us, so we've gotten little gifts each day.... You all know how I feel about presents! It's like my birthday month all over again! :) Except it's fall so we've received a lot of pumpkin flavored foods... even better! But wow the church has again overwhelmed us with their generosity and caring.

The deacons and staff from RHMA praying over us during the Installation Service. (me, I'm happy I'm in all my pre-pregnancy clothes again. I bought this dress the week I got pregnant and only got to wear it once before I couldn't fit in it anymore)
The HouseI know I mentioned we got a house, but I never said much about it. I am storing up to do a big post on it alone, I promise I'll get it done soon and share all the wonderful goodness with all of you. I've got lots of pictures and lots of plans, more than I have the ability to write up tonight.
MinistryWe visited a couple of people today- one family that farms; they farm lots of things, but they also farm pumpkins and longhorns, we didn't get the chance to tour the farm today, but I want to soon. It felt weird to see a Longhorn here in Illinois, it made a little twinge of longing for Texas.

The other was actually going to the church secretary's home to swing on her swing in her back yard. It was a lovely afternoon all sunny and bright. Max wanted to play so we let him and chatted with Katherine a while. She just adores Max and knows her pretty well since he sees her almost everyday.

Tomorrow we are hosting a "5th Quarter" at our house after the football game. We have opened it up to the church and encouraged the youth to bring a friend. We have no idea how many people will show up but I am so excited to have the house full and entertain on a large level. Readjusting and hosting things again has been a new transition in the past few weeks. We have been pretty private as far as our home goes since we've gotten here, but I think the youth group helped us open our home back up again. Since youth group has started we've begun having people over for dinner and to hang out quite a bit more. It's nice, I've missed it.
FoodMy friend Amber posted some recipes and cooking adventures on her blog today. I mention this because I happened to make her recipe for Chicken Chili Soup tonight for dinner and it always makes me think of eating it at her house with her and her husband and the Kooglers. The six of us then, laughing so hard and enjoying ourselves, and now we are the NINE of us (well almost, Amber is due with her first little one in March). It's a completely Texas meal. You eat it over a bowl of Fritos, that's pretty much what makes it Texan in my book.
Today I tried my hand at "grown up" applesauce, you know, with spices and sugar, instead of baby food applesauce. I had seen the recipe on
this blog and kinda followed it but not really. I used brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves, stuck a whole bunch of apples (peeled and cored and cut into quarters, chunks, depending on size of the apple) with some water into the crockpot and just left it on high until it was all tender (I think it about 4 hours). I mashed it all with a fork and put it in a container to freeze (I'm SERIOUSLY running out of freezer space).

The apples were left on our porch without a note earlier this week. A whole paper grocery sack full. They are beautiful apples.

But of course I had to eat what wouldn't fit in the container.
RandomnessHere are some pictures I've taken, that just make me think of things.

This picture reminds me that the time with the corn is fleeting. With harvest here, it won't be long before it is all gone.

I wonder what the view would be from inside that tower. I think I know the owners of that house, I wonder if they'd let me go up in the tower.

Grammy made a pit stop at Chipotle in Bloomington on her way here.... Adam and I both agreed, it was the best Chipotle we'd ever had.

I just liked this picture.