He's also learning to sit on his own and gets so excited when he realizes he's doing it by himself that he flails his arms and squeals which causes him to fall over.
We've (Max and I) been fighting a sinus crud. I can't tell if it's allergies (it's harvest time around here so they are cutting down all the fields) or a cold, but Adam hasn't seemed to have gotten it, so my guess is allergies.
Max also loves his exersaucer (I may have mentioned this before) but he just learns to do more and more in it. We are looking into getting a johnny-jump-up for him because he loves to bounce.

Baby Food
Today I took on the task of making baby food on a larger scale. I had the squash and some sweet potatoes I wanted to try my hand at (since those are the only veggies Max has had yet and I know he likes them both).

I got my directions from here, but really it's just common sense. I just didn't want to completely mess anything up. I would have baked the sweet potatoes with the squash (since the recipe calls for the same amount of time and temperature) but I realized I was out of foil and really the boiling was almost as easy (except I hate peeling things).

Once they were prepared (boiled, baked) I just put them in the blender with some water to get the consistency I liked. I thought it would be a lot more messy than it actually was, or a lot more time consuming, or something, but it was easy and actually quite fun. Max played in his exersaucer and liked the noise of the blender. He's a goof, he also likes the sound of my hairdryer.

I ended up making so much, I had more food than I had small containers and I thought to myself, "I wonder if it's really any good." And so I had an afternoon snack of pureed butternut squash and it was absolutely delicious! I didn't even put anything in it, just the squash with a spoon. Yum!

New Pastor?
We've made the local papers again. This weekend the church is having what we are calling an "Installation Service" to install Adam into the church. It's just a recognition that will officially celebrate us having the calling to be here. It should be a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it, and hopefully some people from the community will come.

Missing Friends
As much fun as we are having things still make me miss my friends. Like this ad in the paper.

My friend Darby was always particular on where her produce came from, she would always notice what state it was from, especially if it was from her home state of Oregon. Well now she's living in Washington and this just made me miss her so much more than I already do.
What a fun, yummy day!! Looks like Max will eat well!! He's getting so big and seems to be getting so much personality!! Grammy
Hi Cara, thanks for visiting my blog! I like yours too, your son is adorable! :)
Awww! You're package arrived yesterday--must take longer from small town to small town. THANK YOU! i can't say it enough, from one Washington to another: I miss you too!
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