Monday, February 16, 2009

Musical Monday #5

I thought I would run out of children's music quickly but I guess I'm still going strong. Some of you may remember my stint of working part time for Pottery Barn Kids. I really did like working there, and I especially loved the Musak that they played in the store. They purposely had a great mix of music that MOM and kids would enjoy. Now that I'm a mom that's pretty important to me. I first heard songs from this cd there, and my all time favorite was Bongo Bong.

This song also reminds me of little miss Kate who used to bang on her daddy's bald head to this song. I miss you Koogs.

This version has another song remixed in but the song is still there. Max likes to bounce himself to the song. So fun. We dance together to it.


The Me/ The Wife/ The Mom said...

Have never heard it...LOVE IT!

Thanks for the heads up!

Valerie said...

I had never heard that either but I really did enjoy it. I needed an upbeat tune today.