The yarn heebies are officially gone! This makes me so excited that I just added 5 new projects to my Ravelry page! I've got lots of lost time to make up for. :) Quite a few baby things for assorted little ones and a couple scarves for special people who I realize have never had a Cara Made Scarf. I'm amazed there are still those without one.
Whether it's a combination of nesting and New Year urge to purge, I'm not sure, but I've been randomly going through different areas and getting rid of things. This morning it was my spice cabinet, the other day the electronics drawer, hopefully soon the craft room.
I actually started the craft room yesterday, but it was mostly just picking up stuff and putting it in the area it belongs so that I can sort it. I have three major areas: yarn, fabric, paper. All of these need dwindled down to important things and purged the living day lights out of. I started in the paper area yesterday once everything was all picked up and made some progress. The problem with paper is that includes, stationery, card making, scrap-booking, and photos. I found a lot of things I'd forgotten I'd had. So some went into the trash and some went places where I would be sure to use them. I need a few things to organize my scrap-booking/card making so Max and I might be heading to Hobby Lobby this afternoon to help with that. :)
The craft room organization is all in the beginning or preparation for the new baby and Max's big boy room. We've decided to give Max the smaller room that's already been done in a yellow and turn the larger room into the guest/craft room. Adam realized there was no way I could get rid of enough stuff to fit it into the smaller room and also that smaller room stays a little warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, and has better light. There's a number of other reasons for the change of mind, but nonetheless, I think it'll be a good one.
So I atleast have to make room in the craft room for the bookcases (that'll be totally awesome for some storage, if I can make way in some of the books) and guest bed. There should be enough room left for my work table and desk with my sewing machine. The twin bed and dresser with hutch will fit in the yellow room with a bit of toy storage hopefully.
Right now the yellow room is just a yellow and white with blue coming out in the quilt. I'm hoping to make it a little more boyish and have decided to not do a theme necessarily, but instead to do yellow blue and green. This will compliment with the other room which will be done in the same green as the kitchen with blue and yellow accents. So a little backwards of the other room.
At least that's the plan for now. :)